Challenge: Create a 100% Steem Power Badge!

Challenge: If you're a designer, create a "100% Steem Power" badge!

With the price of STEEM below $0.18, I thought a bit about what could happen if we all selected the "Power Up 100%" option when creating new posts. I'd love to have a badge I can use to indicate my selection, but I'm not a designer. That's where you come in! (Or maybe someone you know.)

Let's create a small badge we can float at the top right of our posts which indicate to readers the rewards are exclusively in Steem Power. Over time, that might help with the amount of liquid steem hitting the markets.

What do you think?

Edit: the default payout is still 50/50, but it appears to use whatever your last selection was, as long as your last selection was not 0%. You can adjust the reward payout using this selection when creating a new post:

Will this help the Steemit economy? Will a visible badge help curators know which authors are interested in Steemit long term?

If you think so, please create or get your designer friends to create a nice badge we can all use. I'm thinking a small circular badge which can be floated to the right at the top of a post. Something unobtrusive and stylish. If you're a designer and you like this idea, either leave your image in the comments below or create your own post featuring your image and link to it in a comment. If you want this idea to get more attention, resteem this to your followers or send your designer friends a link to it.

Edit 2: @craig-grant pointed out there's an open Github issue for highlighting 100% SP posts, but it's a month old. I'd still like to see a community-created badge we can use within our posts until that issue is resolved.

As always, thanks for voting, listening, reading, commenting, and following. You are much appreciated!

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Luke Stokes is a father, husband, business owner, programmer, voluntaryist, and blockchain enthusiast. He wants to help create a world we all want to live in.

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