Don't think about the past, Make your Life Great Today!!

Thinking about the future, thinking about the past, nobody seems to be here! You must talk to the older people. They will say, “Oh, when I was in school, when I was in college.…” Have you heard these talks? But now they look back and see how lousy they have made their lives, and suddenly school life looks wonderful.

When you are always thinking the past was better, that means you are not doing well right now. Yesterday should not be your best day. Today should be the best day of your life because you have one more day’s experience. So, should you not make this the best day of your life? Make your life in such a way that today is the best day of your life.

If yesterday was better than today, this means we are performing well in life, we are dealing with death. It is not a good thing if something that is dead is better than what is alive right now. Yesterday is dead. If dead things are better than living things, it means we are not making much of our lives.

Do not worry about people, just make this the best day of your life. What will you do if you die by the end of the day? There is no such guarantee that you will live. We want to be, but there is no guarantee.

So is it not very important that you make today the best day of your life? If you keep doing this, you will see, in twenty-five years, people will think you are a great human being. Everyone will want to be around you. With twenty-five years of experience, your best day will be so high up, everybody will want to have a piece of it. That is how it should be.

[Source: Isha Sadhguru]

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