Daily Bread Food Bank Assist Orang Asli Outreach

Hello all! I hope you are having a great day on this new week of the new month of March!

Today we would like to tell a story of a kind man who's heart is for the minority indigenous tribe that is struggling quietly in the deep high lands of Cameron, in the state of Pahang, within the Titiwangsa Mountains range.

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Meet Issac, a humble man who loves the indigenous tribe and has spent all his savings for the last 15 years to reach out and aid under privileged families in these in-lands.

We have got to know that his wife is currently unwell, and despite of the predicament, he still attends to the needy people while taking care of his wife, hardly any complain.

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We also got to know that these indigenous tribe's young children were also deprived from a lot of opportunity to learn. By the grace of God, all the books we manage to collect, we have donated to the children.

Issac's dream is to set up a library for the indigenous people so that knowledge is reachable for the young and old.

And because it is getting harder to survive with the inflation the keeps rising in Malaysia, many children there do not have proper shoes to wear.

Glad Tidings PJ managed to source some old usable shoes that were previously donated from church members and the public, and we have passed these shoes to Issac.

There are still many under privileged families' children who do not have a decent pair of shoes to protect their feet especially during the rainy days, and so we continue to send messages and pleads to any family who have extra proper conditioned shoes who are no longer in use because the children have outgrown them.

We also welcome whoever has contact with shoe factories who are open to CSR and donation of their unsold shoe; be it due to rejected or out of season.

Not only shoes, Malaysia recently has been encountering slightly extreme weather, especially during the month of February and now extending to March; where in the morning it becomes extremely hot beyond the normal temperature, to freak storms and mild hailstorms in the evening (Ipoh encountered it during February).

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The highlands of Cameron has been suffering unusual cold at night and Issac and his partner for the outreach, Daniel, have been trying to source thick jackets for the under privileged indigenous families. We sent out messages a week earlier and we are so grateful that we managed to find some along with some long sleeve shirts for them to take back.

We received this picture from Issac and Daniel when they have successfully distributed needs to the sick indigenous families as a thank you.

We truly hope that we can continue to assist whatever we can for these people.

We are hoping to target for this post to reach as much as it can for the next week and when the price of Steem Back Dollars are more in favour we will cash out and hopefully get some children's shoes for the children there.

For fellow Malaysians who are staying in the Klang Valley, if you have extra in your home and you wish to de-clutter your household we are currently still looking for:

  • books that you no longer want to read
  • old children story books
  • old but in good condition shoes
  • old but still in good condition to be worn

Even an upvote (and a resteem) will make a difference for us to save aside for cash out to buy necessary food and stationary for the Orang Asli . Do share out this post to your friends too.

In closing, we would like a to share a scripture that depicts our joy to reach out to others in need:

In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'
Acts 20:35

Indeed, the Daily Bread Food Bank has been blessed during the times when we wonder if we still have enough to keep giving; but by faith we kept going and God has truly blessed us with fresh new source of help when we thought we see a blockade; and we will continue to trust God and give thanks for His goodness.

Sometimes, when we do not see the road ahead, it isn't the end, it is just a bend.

Angie Ng

Daily Bread Food Bank Director
disclosure: Daily Bread Food Bank one of the non-profit channel under the LCS (Life Commuity Service) ministry.
To know who we are, please do read through our introduction here in Steemit

(haha, we will try to be better!)

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