Steemit outreach: lets see if we can get CHARITIES to post newsletters here as a means of FUND-RAISING

Building on previous posts on around this subject (see below), I think we should look to encourage Charities to periodically post NEWSLETTERS and UPDATES on Steemit as a simple means of collecting additional donations. [If there are tax implications involved with Charities collecting directly, we could seek out reputable & verifiable patrons of the Charites to do the posts, then make the donations.]

The same principle could be extended to local community projects or NGOs looking for an alternative means of fund raising.

It will then be for Steemit users to judge the merit of the appeal (or credibility of the poster) and whether to upvote.

Posting newsletters and updates, keeps the content fresh (which is what we need) and allows people to up-vote (donate) regularly. New content also brings awareness to new Steemit users. Spam should be self regulating as posting spamming content is likely to be downvoted.

Charities can also you their 'Steam Power' to upvote posts made by people who participate in fund-raising activities for them. E.g. people often take photos and write about sponsored runs they take part in. This has the potential of increasing donations to the Charity. [Again they may need look into if there are any legal implications of doing this]

We can advise that they use the following hashtags so they reach the appropriate audience,
#appeal #charity #fundraising # [their charity]

Similar to the call to action for coin devs, its a win win in my eyes. [Providing any potential regulatory issues can be overcome]

Thought it would be good to open up the conversion. Please share your thoughts in the comments section.

If you enjoyed what you read here, don't just 'retweet' it, don't just 'like it' elsewhere. Make sure you sign up and UPVOTE it, here on Steemit and share in the rewards! (Signed up already? Add a strapline to your posts to let others know about Steemit)

NB: Related reading that may be of interest,


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