Chess Blitz of the Day - Hikaru Nakamura vs Maxime Vachier-Lagrave | AMAZING DEFENDING SKILL!!!

Chess Blitz of the Day


Hikaru Nakamura

"It's true that I do not have a coach, unless we call my friend Kris Littlejohn, in charge of the computer part of my training, which is fundamental. And I've barely read chess books, "

explains Nakamura. There is a radical change in his professional attitude. Priority until a few years ago were fast games (especially those of a minute) on the Internet, where he is considered the best in the world in the modality:

"Now I play less on the net, and Basically for fun. In any case, it is clear that the new star of chess does not kill himself to work: "My dedication has nothing to do with Ivanchuk, for example."

Maxime Vachier-Lagrave

Maxime Vachier-Lagrave beats all the precocious records in France, where he became GM at age 14. The winner of the Lausanne Masters no longer exists but I liked a lot of youngsters in 2006 and Champion of France in 2007, confirmed these excellent results in the strong Paks tournament closed in 2008 and won the 2009 Master Tournament in Biel in his first participation, and Then became Junior World Champion a few months later. Since then, his work steady support from a private sponsor that has allowed him to consolidate his game and achieve an excellent Wijk aan Zee this year.


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