Norway Chess 2017 Blitz | Daniel King analyses the Blitz event.

Chess Analysis of the Day

Tournament = Altibox Norway Chess 2017

Daniel King

He became known nationally for his coverage of the 1993 World Chess Championship, live from Savoy in London on Channel 4 television. The program, hosted by Carol Vorderman, contained expert commentary and analysis by King Ray Keene , Jon Speelman and Fritz, the computer program that played chess. Against all odds, the show hit a chord with the British public and showed King to be a friendly, media-friendly personality. It was even reported that it had become the choice of "thinking women" throughout the UK, as they saw in large numbers, whether or not literate chess.
Television work continued on its way and he contributed to three other world championships reported by the BBC, ESPN, Eurosport, STAR TV (Asia) and other networks. Covering Kasparov's controversial match against Deep Blue in 1997 and for four months in 1999, he provided MSN's daily commentary on Kasparov's high profile match against the World Cup. In October 2002, he was a key part of the elite analytical team that participated in the prominent "Man vs. Machine" contest, Brains in Bahrain.

Norway Chess 2017 Blitz

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