Computer-Generated Chess Problem 01774

A newly published and original KQP vs krbbp chess puzzle created by the program, Chesthetica, using the 'Digital Synaptic Neural Substrate' computational creativity method. It does not use endgame tablebases, artificial neural networks, machine learning or any kind of typical AI. Depending on the type and complexity of the problem desired, a single instance of Chesthetica running on a desktop computer can probably generate anywhere between one and ten problems per hour.

4K1k1/6Pb/5pr1/8/8/7Q/3b4/8 w - - 0 1
Chesthetica v10.57 : Selangor, Malaysia
White to Play and Mate in 3 : 2017.12.12 5:59:25 AM
Solvability Estimate = Moderate

White actually has less material than Black. The white army is down by about 2 (Shannon) pawn units in value. The default solving time of 30 seconds may be too short for you if the problem is difficult so feel free to hit the pause button and solve at your own pace. Do share and try out some of the others too. Take some time to study the analysis and you might appreciate the puzzle a little more. Anyway, if standard chess isn't your thing, you might instead like SSCC.

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