Published online for the first time, consider this KRBN vs kqnp five-move chess puzzle created by the program, Chesthetica, using the computational creativity approach which doesn't use any kind of traditional AI or even deep learning. You can learn more about the DSNS here.
White to Play and Mate in 5
Chesthetica v10.63 : Selangor, Malaysia
2018.3.12 2:57:44 AM
A seemingly earlier version of Chesthetica on a problem composed later (based on the date and time stamp) simply means that version may have been running on a different computer or operating system user account. White actually has less material than Black. The white army is down by about 2 (Shannon) pawn units in value. Leave a comment below if you like. Over time, the tactics you see in these puzzles will help you improve your game.
Solution (Skip to 0:35)
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