Computer-Generated Chess Problem 02024

Published online for the first time, consider this KQNPP vs kqbnppp study-like chess problem generated autonomously by a computer program, Chesthetica, using the Digital Synaptic Neural Substrate AI computational creativity method. Chesthetica can compose problems that might otherwise take centuries or longer for human composers to think of, so you may enjoy them right now. Chesthetica is able to generate three-movers, four-moves, five-movers and study-like constructs and also compose problems using specific pieces types fed into it (e.g. instructing it to compose something using a queen, rook and bishop vs. queen and two knights). Read more about it on ChessBase. Any chess position over 7 pieces could not possibly have been derived from an endgame tablebase which today is limited to 7 pieces. The accuracy of the main line presented for this study in the solution depends on the engine used and analysis time. The constructed position shown is nevertheless original.

8/5Q1n/7q/1KN1k2P/2p3p1/1p1P4/8/3b4 w - - 0 1
Chesthetica v10.63 : Selangor, Malaysia
White to Play and Win : 2018.4.12 9:06:52 PM

Some of the earliest chess problems by humans are over 10 centuries old but original ones by computer are very recent. Chesthetica composes only unique or new constructs. If you have seen it before, cite the source and comment below because it is purely coincidental. Try to solve this as quickly as you can. If you like it, please share with your friends. Collectively, these puzzles are intended to cater to players of all levels. If you're bored of standard chess, though, why not try this?

Solution (Skip to 0:35)

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