Computer-Generated Chess Problem 02110

A new if not unique KQRBBPP vs kqrrn five-move chess problem generated autonomously by Chesthetica using the approach known as the DSNS from the sub-field of AI, computational creativity. There is no known limit to the quantity or type of compositions that can be generated. This position contains a total of 12 pieces. The largest endgame tablebase in existence today is for 7 pieces (containing over 500 trillion positions anyway) which means the problem could not have been taken from it regardless.

3q1r2/1kPP4/6K1/2Q5/4r3/1B6/3n3R/4B3 w - - 0 1
White to Play and Mate in 5
Chesthetica v10.67 : Selangor, Malaysia
2018.5.27 1:13:09 PM
Solvability Estimate = Moderate

Composing a chess puzzle or problem requires creativity and it's not easy even for most humans. Everything composed by Chesthetica is original. Leave a comment below if you like. Over time, the tactics you see in these puzzles will help you improve your game.

Solution (Skip to 0:35)

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