Computer-Generated Chess Problem 02320

A new if not unique KQRB vs kqbnnp mate in 3 chess puzzle or problem (whichever you wish to call it) composed by the program, Chesthetica, using the approach known as the DSNS from the sub-field of AI, computational creativity. There is no known limit to the quantity or type of compositions that can be generated. The position below contains 10 pieces which means it simply could not have been derived even from an existing endgame tablebase which is presently limited to 7 pieces.

K4R2/8/8/2np4/7B/n1b4q/3k4/5Q2 w - - 0 1
White to Play and Mate in 3
Chesthetica v10.82 : Selangor, Malaysia
2018.10.18 6:29:49 AM
Solvability Estimate = Moderate

Chess puzzles are ancient. Some are over a thousand years old but only in the 21st century have computers been able to compose original ones on their own like humans can. Everything composed by Chesthetica is original. Leave a comment below, if you like. Take some time to study the analysis and you might appreciate the puzzle a little more.

Main Line of the Solution (Skip to 0:35)

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