Computer-Generated Chess Problem 02517

A newly published and original KRBP vs kppppp study-like construct or chess problem generated by a computer using the 'Digital Synaptic Neural Substrate' computational creativity method. It does not use endgame tablebases, artificial neural networks, machine learning or any kind of typical AI. There is also no proven limit to the quantity or type of legal compositions that can be automatically generated. The largest (Lomonosov) tablebase today is for 7 pieces which contains over 500 trillion positions. With each additional piece, the number of possible positions increases exponentially. It is therefore impossible that this problem with 10 pieces could have been taken from such a database. Any analysis shown for this study could be flawed as chess engines may change their recommendations given more time. The first or key move, at least, is probably right.

8/3p4/3P2p1/7k/3R2p1/K3pp2/B7/8 w - - 0 1
White to Play and Win
Chesthetica v11.02 (Selangor, Malaysia)
Generated on 14 Feb 2019 at 5:09:45 PM

What was the machine 'thinking' when it came up with this? Do you think you could have composed something better with these pieces? Share in the comments and let us know how long it took you. Feel free to copy the position into a chess engine and discover even more variations of the solution.

Main Line of the Solution (Skip to 0:35)

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