Computer-Generated Chess Problem 03529

Published online for the first time, consider this KQRNPP vs krbpp forced mate in three chess construct composed autonomously by the program, Chesthetica, using the computational creativity approach which doesn't use any kind of traditional AI or even deep learning. Learn about how these problems are selected here. The largest endgame tablebase in existence today is for 7 pieces (Lomonosov) which contains over 500 trillion positions, most of which have not and never will be seen by human eyes. This problem with 11 pieces goes even beyond that and was therefore composed without any such help whatsoever.


8/2p5/b1k1P3/1R1pKQ2/P3N3/3r4/8/8 w - - 0 1
White to Play and Mate in 3
Chesthetica v12.44 (Selangor, Malaysia)
Generated on 27 Nov 2021 at 1:31:07 AM
Solvability Estimate = Difficult

Some of the earliest chess problems by humans are over 10 centuries old but original ones by computer are very recent. Now, let's see what else there is to say. Give me a moment. If this one is too easy or too difficult for you, try out some of the others. Over time, the tactics you see in these puzzles will help you improve your game.

A Similar Chess Problem by Chesthetica: 01877


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