Computer-Generated Chess Problem 03562

Now, here we have a 'KQNN vs krbnp' forced mate in four chess construct composed autonomously by a computer program, Chesthetica, using the DSNS computational creativity approach which does not use any kind of machine or deep learning. Chesthetica is able to use the technology to express original creative thought in this domain. It also never had behind it a team of highly skilled programmers, consultants or the kind of hardware that millions of dollars from a company like IBM or Google could buy. Depending on the type and complexity of the problem desired, a single instance of Chesthetica running on a desktop computer can probably generate anywhere between one and ten problems per hour. Noteworthy here is that a chess position with over seven pieces would not likely have been derived or taken from an endgame tablebase because seven pieces is the present limit. A complete or full tablebase for eight pieces does not yet exist.


8/2K4b/8/8/8/N2pNn2/k4r2/2Q5 w - - 0 1
White to Play and Mate in 4
Chesthetica v12.46 (Selangor, Malaysia)
Generated on 10 Jan 2022 at 11:24:08 AM
Solvability Estimate = Difficult

These chess puzzles are published in order based on the composition date and time stamp above. Due to the sheer volume of compositions generated, the latest ones may therefore only be published later on. Chesthetica composes everything autonomously (no human intervention) and even chooses the main line of the solution to show you. Try to solve this as quickly as you can. If you like it, please share with your friends.


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