Computer-Generated Chess Problem 03788

Consider this 'KRRN vs kqrp' five-move chess problem generated autonomously by a computer using the fairly new computational creativity approach known as the DSNS (Digital Synaptic Neural Substrate). There is no known limit to the quantity or type of compositions that can be generated. Any chess position over seven pieces would likely not have been derived from an endgame tablebase which today is limited to seven pieces. Work has only recently begun on one for eight pieces.


5k2/8/8/3RNK1R/8/2q2p2/8/4r3 w - - 0 1
White to Play and Mate in 5
Chesthetica v12.58 (Selangor, Malaysia)
Generated on 26 Jul 2022 at 9:07:53 PM
Solvability Estimate = Difficult

These chess puzzles are published in order based on the composition date and time stamp above. Due to the sheer volume of compositions generated, the latest ones may therefore only be published later on. White has a knight and a rook for Black's queen and pawn. Did you find this one interesting or have something else to say? Leave a comment below! Solving chess puzzles like this can also help improve your game.


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