Computer-Generated Chess Problem 03805

Now, this is a 'KQBBN vs kbp' mate in three chess puzzle by Chesthetica using the fairly new computational creativity approach known as the DSNS (Digital Synaptic Neural Substrate). Chesthetica is able to generate three-movers, four-moves, five-movers and study-like constructs and also compose problems using specific pieces types fed into it (such as using only a queen vs. rook and knight). Read more about it on ChessBase. Noteworthy here is that a chess position with over seven pieces would not likely have been derived or taken from an endgame tablebase because seven pieces is the present limit. A complete or full tablebase for eight pieces does not yet exist.


8/8/K5b1/8/Q3B3/7N/7p/4Bk2 w - - 0 1
White to Play and Mate in 3
Chesthetica v12.59 (Selangor, Malaysia)
Generated on 8 Aug 2022 at 6:22:04 AM
Solvability Estimate = Difficult

Chess puzzles are ancient. Some are over a thousand years old but only in the 21st century have computers been able to compose original ones on their own like humans can. White has a decisive material advantage in this position but the winning sequence may not be immediately clear. Leave a comment below if you like. Collectively, these puzzles are intended to cater to players of all levels.


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