McDonalds in the Children Play area

In front of my building there is a very beautiful park. It is a small park and it has a separate Children Play area. Not only Children but a lot of adults also come here for walks or just to sit and relax. Even I sometimes go there for a walk and it is very nice and pleasant taking a walk in the park. But sadly everything is business and money these days so to my utter disbelief I see one day that there is some part of the park which has been enclosed and construction work has begun in that area. On checking it out I got to understand that a McDonald outlet is coming in that part of the park.
First of all I could not believe that a part of the park area has been given away for commercial purpose. Which really shows nature has no value left in today's time and if there is a choice between nature and commercial use, the commercial use has more importance.

I do not know what is the reason for such a thing to happen, sure it must be tough politics but overall it is sad to see something like this happening. Such a beautiful Park and now in the park itself there is a food outlet. Yes the Children will definitely be happy because they do not understand importance of certain things and dirty politics but only if the people taking decision could have acted sensibly to not approve such a thing. It may look very fancy but it destroys the beauty of the park and also takes away an area of the park. Not only that McDonalds is not a very healthy meal outlet so by getting this in place we are promoting more and more of unhealthy lifestyle.


McDonalds is one of the Children's most favorite outlet. Almost every child is fascinated to go here, if not for the meal, just for the toy that they get in the Happy Meal. It is one of the most luring and demanded outlet for the kids. So I see somewhere they play with the mind of the Children by luring them into that small toy and attracting them to visit again and again.

Nevertheless this is a foreign land for me and I cannot do anything about it here, but I can see this day in and out from my window and every time I see it I feel sad. Money can buy anything in today's time and these giant firms have no value for anything whatsoever, all they are concerned is just about their profits maximization. There is a lot of available space in the surrounding area so they could have picked up some other location, but for their business this is the most strategic location to earn and hence they must have gone ahead with it and the sad part is that the Ministry has approved.

I hope people in positions can make more sensible decisions and not destroy nature like this.

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