Are you seeing numbers in sequence? Repetitively? All the time?

Do you keep seeing sequences of numbers repetitively?
Do you see the number sequences so much that is beyond coincidence?
Does this have any meaning for you?

Nate Christy Johnston.jpg
Nate & Christy Johnston founded Everyday Revivalists, in March, 2016, with a mandate to reveal the true identity of God's children as His royal sons &daughters.

Is God speaking to you through numbers?

  • Is God finding a way to get a message across to you through numbers?

  • Could the creator of the universe be pursuing you?

           He made known to us 
           the mystery of His will 
           according to His good pleasure, 
           which He purposed in Christ,
           Eph 1:9 AMP

         The language of Holy Spirit is repetition.
         Christy Johnston

1. God, one & only. Oneness, with Him. A beginning, a new season.

2. Double portion, blessing. Abundance. Harvest.

3. Resurrection. Seeking God for fresh revelation, understanding, strength. The temple of the Holy Spirit.

4. Open doors. Victory. Breakthrough.

5. Mercy & grace. Power & strength. Alertness, wake-up! Anointed prayers. Protection.

     But He said, “Leave the children alone, 
     and do not forbid them from coming to 
     Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs 
     to such as these.
     Matt 19:14 AMP
What do you think?

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