My soul magnifies the Lord & my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.

Imagine when you start a meeting, everyone around the table said, "My soul magnifies the Lord & my spirit rejoices in God my Savior."

If our souls truly seek to magnify the Lord at all times & our spirits continually rejoice in God, then those critical moments be easier, decisions would be made better & more purposefully; & moments of anger & frustration would dramatically lessen, if not disappear entirely.

Life is not always the way we want it to be. It has its twists & turns. Yet this response to life will not only ease our souls but also, help us be better examples to people around us.

My soul magnifies the Lord & my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.

Luke 1:46

Text & illustration by Norisha Fernandes

 Mary’s response is one of both
 humility &  gratitude. 
 She doesn’t complain 
 “woe is me, woe is my lot,” 
 nor does she gloat 
 “look at me.” 
 Rather she humbly replies 
 “My soul magnifies the Lord &
 my spirit rejoices 
 in God my Savior.” 

 What a great mantra 
 this could be if applied to 
 every aspect of our lives?

 What if at every 
 critical moment, 
 before every decision, or
 during moments of anger & 
 frustration, we prayed 
 THIS prayer?

  “My soul MAGNIFIES the Lord & 
  my spirit REJOICES 
  in God my Savior.” 

  Try saying it throughout the day 
  before every decision, 
  before every 
  interpersonal encounter.

  Lord, let my soul magnify You 
  in everything I do today. 
  Let My spirit rejoice in You 
  my Savior. 

  Let me never grumble when 
  the things  that come my way 
  don't really make me feel 
  my best. 
  Let me continue to rejoice 
  in You, my Lord. 

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