Christians On Steemit ? Let us Follow And Support Each Other (Part 3)

Hi brethren, another way that we can support the community here, in addition to the suggestions of earlier posts, is to vote for @idnit as a backup witness, per the recommendation of @christian-trail, who is a main supporter of christians thru the forum tag that bears his name and others. Here is a post of c-trail from another thread:

"Are you aware we have our own Backup-Witness that follows our trail and desperately needs our support ?

Please consider voting @idnit for witness and help us grow support for our community."

Here is a post of idnit on the candidacy (also speaks on the upcoming hardfork update of June 20th): @idnit/idnit-backup-witness-and-curation-trail-update.

You can vote for witnesses here:

Two others I also recommend voting for are @ausbitbank and @fyrst-witness (who also goes by fyrstikken) who are also believers/supporters of believers (many of us I'm sure have received upvote support from fyrst more than once).

God bless, if you missed the earlier posts go here:


and here:


and lets do our part in helping our community of brethren grow and support each other here.

"As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” - Galatians 6:10260573_491764587520057_858044865_n.jpg

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