Re: Christians On Steemit ? Let us Follow and Support Each Other

Hi brethren, just want to add a couple of things of my post of a couple of days ago: @wilx/christians-on-steemit-let-us-follow-and-support-each-other.

In reference to building and supporting the born- again community here @christian-trail in the previous post posted the perfect scripture for us here:

"As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” - Galatians 6:10

As spoken of in the other post if it is part of God's plan for our lives to be spending time here (we should be seeking if so )than He will bless it, whatever that purpose is, whether it's to lead others to Him, edify, encourage, pray for others, bless financially or a combination of any or all.

So let's be seeking His mind on what we do here, if out of step with Him we will be wasting the time that we will be held accountable for one day...

As the Lord's will is to prioritize "the household of faith" let's make a point to do so, following every believer that has been led here, giving each others posts priority for upvoting and commenting on, (and with the upcoming update "minnows" votes will carry more power) if done so we can than be sure that the blessings will follow, as He wills.

I suggest making Christian-trail (/created/christian-trail) the first topic sig that we look at each time we log on here, as it appears to be the main one that brethren use for posting christian topics, also the lesser used Christianity and Religion.

The new Chain-bb, a sister forum to steemit, will prob also be having a christian forum shortly, if haven't been there yet its a standard bb forum that may be preferable to some.

Also, as suggested by @msg768 in the previous post chat is also good place to connect with each other at..

If feel led as in the other post leave your name here so it can be followed, and if have not read the other post a number of names to follow there.

Be blessed!

Edit, follow up post: @wilx/christians-on-steemit-let-us-follow-and-support-each-other-part-3

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