The Curmudgeon's Bible - What the Heck Is A "Pastor?"

What image comes to mind when you hear the word "pastor?".

Is a "pastor" a man in black, with a tight, white, starched collar?

"I take my role seriously as a pastor."
— Jesse Jackson

The Bible Curmudgeon is back for another round.

It's time once again to pick on bible translators.

What do you immediately think of when you hear the word "pastor?"

Is this a pastor?

Someone with a stiffly starched collar, or perhaps someone in fancy vestment robes?

Table of Contents

Is this a "pastor?"
Image courtesy of The Logos Project, via Vimeo

"Pastor" is an archaic word for shepherd.

If you're a "dyed in the wool" KJV-only Christian, then you already know this. And what does a shepherd do? The shepherd guides, protects, and cares for his sheep.

But what excuse do the translators of most "modern" bible versions have for this "throwback" word that no one really understands any more? A word that is in fact universally misunderstood?

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Are we cute enough for you?
Image courtesy of Gemma Evans and

The bible calls us "sheep."

"All we like sheep have gone astray;
    we have turned—every one—to his own way;
and the Lord has laid on him
    the iniquity of us all."

- Isaiah 53:6

And it clearly speaks of Jesus our God as "The Good Shepherd" and the "Chief Shepherd."

Those who assist Jesus in shepherding the flock are "under-shepherds," or simply "shepherds."

Why would a person, or a committee, with the stated intention of helping people understand the scriptures, intentionally use an archaic word that produces invalid mental images?

There is no legitimate reason.

It's time for us to stop using the honorific "Pastor" and to start calling those who help guide us "shepherds." It might help us bear in mind that we are sheep who are in need of shepherding.

Table of Contents

We need a Good Shepherd
Image courtesy of Sam Carter and

Honorable mention:

Today's "Honorable Mention" goes to the English Standard Version, which does not contain the word "pastor" at all.

Until next time, this has been your friendly Steemit neighborhood Bible Curmudgeon.

More from the Curmudgeon:

What the Heck Is A "Pastor?"
Jesus and Nicodemus
Second Thessalonians Chapter 1
The Word "Church"
The Word "Angel"
Is John's Gospel Anti-Semitic?


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