Pharaoh's troubles are Joseph's get out of jail card

And the thin ears swallowed up the seven plump, full ears. And Pharaoh awoke, and behold, it was a dream.
So in the morning his spirit was troubled, and he sent and called for all the magicians of Egypt and all its wise men. Pharaoh told them his dreams, but there was none who could interpret them to Pharaoh.
Gen 41:7-8

Pharaoh's troubles are Joseph's get out of jail card.

Now there was with us [in the prison] a young man, a Hebrew, servant to the captain of the guard; and we told him, and he interpreted our dreams for us, to each man according to the significance of his own dream.
And just as he interpreted [the dreams] for us, so it happened; I was restored to my office [as chief cup bearer], and the baker was hanged.”
Gen 41:12-13

Alexander Ivanov, Joseph interpreting dreams to butler and baker, concluded with Joseph in prison

See also, Joseph's get out of jail card

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Pharaoh's troubles are Joseph's get out of jail card

So Pharaoh said to his servants, “Can we find a man like this [a man equal to Joseph], in whom is the divine spirit [of God]?” Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Since [your] God has shown you all this, there is no one as discerning and clear-headed and wise as you are.
You shall have charge over my house, and all my people shall [c]be governed according to your word and pay respect [to you with reverence, submission, and obedience]; only in [matters of] the throne will I be greater than you [in Egypt].”
Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “See, I have set you [in charge] over all the land of Egypt.”
Gen 41:38-41

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