A City A Story Photo Weekly Contest#21-【TRANSPORTATION】~小城故事相片比賽#21-【交通工具】


In Hong Kong, we have many transportation, such as Mass Transit Railway (MTR), Train, Bus, Mini-bus, Taxi, Tram, KCR Light Rail and Ferry. Today I will introduce a very localized transportation for you which is Mini- bus!

There are two types of Mini-bus, all of them are 16 seats. We called them vans. One is red, they operated by the private company. The other one is green, called Public Light Bus (Scheduled) Service operated by the Limited Company. Their route will not overlap, the red one are mostly driving longer distance, from this district to the district; The green one are driving among the district. Since there are many places where homes or offices are not near the MTR, many people need to take the mini-bus!


有兩種類型的小型巴士,我們稱為VAN仔,全部都是16個座位, 一個是紅色的,他們由私人公司經營; 另一種是綠色的,即有限公司經營的公共小巴(專線)服務。 他們的路線不會重疊,紅色的路線大多從一個地區到另一個區域,行駛的距離比較遠;綠色的只會在區內行駛,路程是比較短程的, 由於有許多地方的住宅或辦公室都不在地鐵附近,很多人都須要乘坐小型巴士!


People are always talking about the red min-bus, because the green mini-bus is not special. The green mini-bus can pay by octopus, it has fixed station. Their business hour are fixed from the morning to the midnight. Mainly green mini-bus are connect with the MTR stations.

The red mini- bus is very special. Some of them still pay by cash. They have no fixed station, so if you want to stop. You need to shout loudly to tell the driver where you want to stop. Maybe many of them are running their own business, the speed are as fast as you think. The drivers like to turn on the loud music, and you must be very co-operation to get off or boarding very quickly. IF not you will blame by the drivers! A Hong Kong Sci-fi movies called "The Midnight After" telling you the internal struggle description of the people who take the red mini-bus!

人們總是在談論紅色的小巴,因為綠色的小巴不是很特別, 綠色的小巴可以用八達通支付,它有固定的車站,他們的營運時間從早上到午夜都是固定的,車程主要是連接到各地鐵站。

紅色小巴是很特別的,其中一些仍然以現金支付,他們沒有固定的車站,所以如果你想下車, 你需要大聲喊叫,告訴司機你要停車的地方,或許很多的司機都是自己的生意,所以車速會快到不感想像速, 司機們喜歡播放大聲的音樂,而且你必須非常合作快速地下車或上車,否則你會被司機喝罵! 一部名為“那夜凌晨,我坐上了旺角開往大埔的紅Van”的香港科幻電影告訴你紅VAN乘客的內心鬥爭!


One more special thing of red van is the hand-writing price card! They wrote in the Special Chinese numerals, the modern Chinese also didn't know the meaning of the numbers. After 80s, all the price card are used the Arabic numerals until now!

紅Van還有一件特別的事情就是手寫價錢牌, 他們用特殊的中國花碼數字,很多現代的中國人也不知道數字的含義,直到 80件代,所有的價錢牌都轉為使用阿拉伯數字,一直使用到現在!


Besides the number, the hand writing station card are also valued. Only one man can write this calligraphy, he launch a business to sale some souvenir about the mini-bus price card. If you are interesting, you can go to the following link to have a look!

除了數字之外,手寫的車站牌也很有特式,現在只有一個人還在手寫這種書法,他開辦一家公司出售一些關於小巴價錢牌、車站牌的紀念品, 如果你有興趣,你可以到以下鏈接去看看!



This is the new type 19 seats! If you come to Hong Kong, welcome to try this special transportation!


Many thanks to @aaronli for hosting this competition and giving me a chance to look back the city in our busy life.

非常多謝 @aaronli 舉行這個比賽,給予一個機會,在忙碌的生活中細看我們所居住的城巿。

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