A City A Story Photo Weekly Contest#24 -【GREEN】~小城故事相片比賽#24-【 綠】


The green place come to my mind is the Penfold Park Shatin, the same location of Sha Tin Racecourse! Except the horse racing date, they will open to the public, and they allow dogs.

Last week is Hazel, my dog's 11 years old birthday. We have picnic at here, prepare a birthday cake for her, and she play with other dogs happily!




The park was briefly called Infield Park at opening in May 1979. The chairman of the Jockey Club Board of Stewards, during the Stewards' annual general meeting on 17 September 1979, announced that the park would be named in honour of Major-General Bernard Penfold. The chairman explained that the Stewards "considered the beautifying of the in-field with shrubs and trees to be a characteristic example of General Penfold's many achievements. General Penfold, the manager of the Jockey Club who presided over construction of the park, was slated to retire the following year after seven seasons as general manager.

During the years after SARS, there have been a few slight bouts of bird flu, and the man-made lakes have been closed a few times to reduce the chance of visitors contracting the diseases. The Hong Kong Jockey Club announced that Penfold Park would be closed from the end of July 2007 to April 2008 for the construction of training facilities for the 2008 Olympic equestrian events. On January 17, 2009, the park is reopened for public once again.


在SARS之後的幾年裡,出現了一些輕微的禽流感疫情,人工湖已經關閉幾次,以減少游客感染疾病的機會。香港賽馬會宣布彭福公園將於二零零七年七月底至二零零八年四月期間關閉,以興建二零零八年奧運馬術比賽的訓練設施。 2009年1月17日,公園再次重新開放。

[source by WIKI]


Many dog owners left until the sunset, here is good place for dogs gathering! If you have dog, I highly recommend you come here with your dog to enjoy the green day! Have a nice weekend!

許多狗主會玩到日落才離開,這裡是狗狗們聚會的好地方! 如果你有養狗,我強烈推介帶你的狗來這裡渡過綠色的一天! 週末愉快!

Many thanks to @aaronli for hosting this competition and giving me a chance to look back the city in our busy life.

非常多謝 @aaronli 舉行這個比賽,給予一個機會,在忙碌的生活中細看我們所居住的城巿。

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