A City A Story Photo Weekly Contest#9-【CLOTHES】~小城故事相片比賽#9-【 衣服】

When you study in Hong Kong, you must know where is here - the shop sold the school unit-form!

We need to wear school unit-form since kindergarten, primary school and secondary school! I would be very happy at the new term every year, because my mom would bring me to the shop to buy the new unit-form!

如果你在香港上學,必定會知道這是什麼店舖 - 售賣校服的店!


The school unit-form have more styles and colors nowadays. The sailor style was very famous at long time ago. Some girls would chose the secondary school because of the unit-form style.

In my secondary school, we no need to buy the PE unit-form. We need to bring some paint white T-shirt at the beginning of the school term. The art club would arrange the screen painting of different house. If you didn't paint any shirt that means you could not to attend the PE lesson at the coming lessons.



Many thanks to @aaronli for hosting this competition and giving me a chance to look back the city in our busy life.

很多謝 @aaronli 舉行這個比賽,給予一個機會,在忙碌的生活中細看我們所居住的城巿。

Here are some interesting challenge, come to join too!


*[Steemit World Map]*

All entries in the “A City a Story” photo contest is about a city. Do you want your entry to be located on a map? And let others can search your entry in a world map? Steemit Worldmap is a great application that you can connect to all travelers from all over the world and share you city stories to them through a world map!
每一篇“A City a Story” photo contest 的文章都是關於一個城市,你希望你的文章能被印記在一張地圖上,並讓其他人在這張地圖上搜尋你的文章? Steemit Worldmap是一個很偉大的程式,它能讓你連接世上每一位旅行者,讓你在一張地圖上分享你的城市故事給他們!

For more information about Steemit Worldmap, please check:

更多關於Steemit Worldmap, 請到:


[Daily Pet Photography]
If you look around the city, you will find many animals are living with you.


Details of daily pet photography at here!


!steemitworldmap 22.3292724 lat 114.1881374 long d3scr

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