My Plan For 2018 | 2018年的個人計畫

Hi Steemians,

@susanli3769 nominated me a few days ago to share what I have planned for 2018 as @rivalhw started this topic.

@susanli3769前幾天提名我分享我2018 年有什麼計畫。



These few days I had a good think what plans I have for 2018. So here they are:


  1. Learn more recipes to cook great meals for my boys. My specialty at the moment is making soup which we all love but in terms of cooking, I normally cook the same food fortnight.

學幾道菜煮給我兩個兒子和爸爸 E. 我現在最專長就是煲湯但煮菜我不會著最太多。平常我煮的都是每兩個星期輪流煮的。

  1. Start exercising. After the emergency admission to the hospital 2 months ago, I need to look after myself more so I need to put my exercise shoes back on.


  1. Shop less. This one is a bit hard because I love to shop. We have too much stuff at home so this year, I will try to use up everything before buying something new.



  1. Hope to increase my followers on Steemit to 2000+. I have been on Steemit for nearly 6 months and have just over 1000 followers so I hope it can be achieved.

希望在Steemit 上可以有2000多支持者. 我在 Steemit 有差不多6個月時間有 1000多支持者所以希望這個願望可以實現。


  1. Lastly, plan a few holidays (domestically & internationally). Baby M came into this world at the beginning of the year so over this time, we have been limited to the amount of travels we normally have due to his age. So hopefully after he turns 1 and have many of the major vaccinations done by then, we are able to see more the world together.

最後,我想計畫去多一點旅行(本地或海外). 自從BB M 年頭來的時候,我們很多地方都不可以去因為他的年紀實在太小了。希望他過了一歲打完主要的針就可以去遠一點。

Lastly, I would like to nominate a few people to see what they have planned for 2018. @wanderwithtwo, @ace108, @joythewanderer & @livinguktaiwan (haha yes again!)

最後我想提名幾個朋友分享他們的計畫 - @wanderwithtwo, @ace108, @joythewanderer & @livinguktaiwan (哈哈,是的又是你!)

Thanks for reading. If you like my post, please follow, comment and upvote me. There will be more exciting posts & destinations to come.

謝謝你們收看。 請你們繼續跟隨,留言和投我一票 👍. 我會分享更多遊記和其他有趣的 blog.

All photos are taken by me & co in all my blogs/stories unless quoted. 每張相片都是我們自己拍的 📷

Below are some of my previous posts:

Food Sharing #24 - La Flechette (This Bakery Only Opens on Weekends) @ Hida, Japan

Traveling the World #79 (Asia Series) Matsuri Hiroba @ Hida, Japan

Traveling the World #78 (Asia Series) Hida @ Japan

Our Christmas Dinner Party

Getting Ready For Our Xmas Party

Magnificent View Of Mt Fuji While Driving in Japan

What's In My Bag Challenge @Travelgirl 👜

Food Sharing #23 - Mach2 @ Sydney, Australia

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