💸💸💸3721 giveaway result and a little lesson on 3721 | 3721 送奖结果😎 (by @ace108)

No, I didn't forget. I am just trying to keep quiet on this previous post...
Just so that I don't give away more clue.

不,我没有忘记。我只是想在以之前的这帖位.... 保持沉默因为不想透露太多线索。

💸💸💸 3721 Giveaway [CONTEST]|3721送奖游戏 😎

🎶让大家继续读的时候,欣赏一点音乐。这件作品是维瓦尔第的“四季”的一部分 - 4小提琴协奏曲中的第一首,名为“秋天”。
🎶Meanwhile, some music for you to enjoy as you read. This piece is part of Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons, particular the first of the 4 violin concertos, called Autumn.
Source | 来源: https://musopen.org/

SEPARATOR-Dolphins In on Blue

First...| 首先...

3721 is used in many times when communicating in Chinese to relate to a feeling of don't care or don't bother.
We all know 3 times 7 is 21. When we say we don't care 3721, we mean we don't care to an extreme. For example, I can say I don't care 3721, I must get it no matter what the price. It means I really don't care how much it cost and I'm seriously going to buy it.

3721在中文沟通中多次使用。如果你中文或汉语到家的话,你就懂三七二十一。不然,你还得多多学习。如果一说不管三七二十一就是指什么都管。比如说, 不管三七二十一,一定要买到。这就是说不论价钱有多高,你也一定要买到。

Just last week, I was looking at the number of followers. I was sure I will hit 3721 soon enough. Just not sure if I will see the exact 3721 number or will I miss it and see a bigger number by the time I check again. So, I decided to "crowd source" this and get people to help get this screen shot of 3721 but it so happened that we all missed it.This was one of the thoughts for the 3721 giveaway.

就在上星期,我看到粉我者的人数快到3721。只是不知道我会看到确切的3721数字。 所以,我决定搞个活动看是否有人会帮忙找到3721的屏幕截图,但大家都错过了。 这是搞3721送奖的想法之一。

SEPARATOR-Dolphins In on Blue

Next...| 接下来。。。

In life, for practical or other reasons we cannot don't care 3721. In work, you have rules, process, security protocols, etc, of your employers to follow. So, you cannot always do things the way you like or do what you like. At home, you also cannot do what you like without caring 3721. Otherwise, you will get some nagging. Yes.


Here on steemit, I can do what I like. I don't care if I'm saying someone may nag for the record. :-) So, I don't care 3712 and do what I want and what I like here. Therefore,

I See👀. I Shoot📷. I Steemit♨️.

在 steemit 这里,我可以做我喜欢的事情。不用在乎我说有人会唠叨。:-) 所以,不管三七二十一,想做就做。因此,

看到👀. I 拍下📷. I 上Steemit♨️.

SEPARATOR-Dolphins In on Blue

Getting the results here...| 接下来。。。

I did have a look at the comments in the post but decided to see if I can use steemsql to help get the details out. Then I copy out the result and paste it in this table below:


If you have any of the reasons I mentioned in your comments or mentioned what the 3721 sort of implies, you will see this 😎 next to your name and it means I shall be powering up your account with 3 steem.
However, since I could only find 5 instead of 7, it means I have 2 x 3 steems left. So, I decided to power up the remaining 5 people who left a comment with 1 steem and keep 1 for myself. 😎

如果您的留言中提到任何以上提到有关3721,您会看见你的用户名旁边有这😎而这意味着我将会吧3steem送进加强你的户口。由于只找到5位而不是7,这意味着我剩下2 x 3个steem。所以我决定将1steem送给其他5位有留言者。剩下1steem就留下给本少爷吧。😎

Evidence | 证据

SEPARATOR-Dolphins In on Blue

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@acactus1013 抱歉!我到现在还不知道怎么在留言那里插入图片😂
😎 @floatinglin 3721~意思就是不需要理由,做了再說!😃 ![892B82A9-EDCC-4F20-817E-09449C7B367C.jpeg](


@icedream 谁长得美,谁得吗?哈哈哈
@ninahaskin Thank you for the fun! I think you're doing this because you're just an incredibly cool guy! Selected this screenshot of my never before published image especially for you - thought you might enjoy the peacefulness! @ace108 💯♨💯 ![Screenshot_20170206-223131_1487317141682_1487318744659.png](<img class="markdown-img-link" src="https://steemitimages.com/0x0/https://steemitimages.com/DQmWqZoWUt4QfBkTwVqCM7S24AgrPKFBNy9Xta7a2MU1eRL/Screenshot_20170206-223131_1487317141682_1487318744659.png)" "/>
@norwegiansteem I think you're doing this giveaway to make steemit and your blog a better place, sharing is caring :) giving your followers somthing back, for all the love they show you. :) My screenshot: ![image]( Some love I recived on my post once :)
😎 @pakyeechan 3721 - 追隨者 但我倒認為另一個說法.....不管3721.. 派錢需要理由嗎? 註 - 廣東話不管3721 就是“不论如何”的意思

@pjcswart Because you're looking for huckleberries... :-)
😎 @sweetieprincess ![881475P1020116.jpeg](



另一说法:3 乘 7 等于 二十一,把3个Steem送给7个人,送的人开心,收的人幸福😍

😎 @travelgirl Two things:
  1. your follower count:


2- in Cantonese there is a saying called 不管三七二十一 = just do it first, worry later."

@trumpman Maybe cause you had a nice day and feel giving back?

@wahyunahrul I think because you are a awesome person @ace108, you make steemit.com more interisting with your challenges and make the steemians more excited to steeming. ![image](
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Please see my other posts: @ace108

请看我其他帖: @ace108


I See👀. I Shoot📷. I Steemit♨️.

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