Thailand-Widely usage of Chinese 泰国见闻2018之中文使用度

@auleo just back from Bangkok, would like to share the interesting facts I observed with my fellow #teammalaysia friends who also travel there frequently. Welcome everyone to leave any comment or thought:
@auleo从泰国曼谷回来啦,想跟常去那里旅行的 #teammalaysia 朋友大家分享那里见到的新奇事件,欢迎大家留言。

This is already the third time @auleo travelled to Bangkok, and found the usage of Chinese language is getting wider in Bangkok compared to 2 years ago when I visited.

Since I took Airasia , the airport that I alighted was the old Bangkok airport- Don Mueang Airport. The directional indicators are all with Chinese language, this is a fact I knew 2 years when I came here. But just felt a bit complicated - as I recalled few years ago , the Malaysian Airport would rather put the Japanese rather than the Chinese which is used by its 20%++ citizens. Only after few rounds of fighting for the rights, then the authority only put in.

As we all know, the English level of the normal Thai on the street is really of Private Limited- I always need to use simple words with body language to strengthen what I trying to convey. But @auleo do notice, the Chinese language appearance in Bangkok street is of pretty high frequency. It's the second most popular foreign language after English . Some places even with only Mandarin and without English.

The food court in MBK level 6:

拷山路的路边摊:The Khaosan Road street vendor :

7-11 convenience shop plastic bag (Note: Wechat Pay & Alipay symbols are everywhere)

Platinum Mall ,批发衣饰中心的6楼食阁:Platinum- the wholesale fashion mall food court:

Central World –新购物中心:
Central World- the new downtown shopping mall:

Don Mueang 的国内航厦Terminal 2: Don Mueang Domestic Terminal - Terminal 2:

Terminal 2 楼上的餐厅:英文那么小,应该洋人不吃酿豆腐?
The restaurant on second floor Terminal 2, English words so small- assuming Westerners not taking Yong Taufu ?

Terminal 2食阁:讲到美食,不放中文可能赚的少:
Terminal 2 Food Court: Talk about food, without using Chinese, will be big discount in earning $$ ?

出境大厅办理手续后,剩下最后的泰铢 怕你没地方好花,放上大大的中文(比英文大)希望华人们大批大批花掉孝敬亲友。
After clearing the custom at Don Mueang, the last chance to earn all your left-over Thai Baht. Putting up big big Chinese (much bigger than English), hoping enticing the last purchasing desire to spend all Baht before boarding.

Outside the Wat Arun, the authority put up Notice Board with Mandarin and Russian, with good intention :

之前读过报道说泰国是中国游客的最爱出游国,难怪中文“字”的使用那么广泛,泰国当局真是识时务为俊杰,虽然能流畅使用中文的泰国人不会比大马多,但是对游客来说,多点中文就是多点便利,还真希望大马有关当局快快醒过来了- 大马天生就有语言的优势,中国人来到大马大城市绝对不会有语言障碍,如果是来自广东或福建省的中国旅客,甚至直接使用粤语、闽南语都没问题!绝对方便。
Previously I read article that Thailand is the top country that Chinese tourist going for holiday, that's the main reason Chinese language is so widely in use in Thailand Bangkok. Even though the Thailand Chinese-speaking population is not so strong as compared to Malaysia, but giving more convenience to the tourists is definitely gaining points in their minds.

I hope the Malaysian Tourism Board can work harder in giving more language convenience to the tourist, Afterall, Malaysia is born to have the language advantage with its large base of Chinese-speaking population. Chinese tourists will definitely not having any language barrier in Malaysian big cities, especially those who come from GuangDong or Fujian Province- They can even speak Cantonese or Hokkien in Malaysia Cities, without any problem!

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