申请中英翻译( application for Chinese-English translator)




看到 @rivalhw 发布的帖子:

我对其中的为了弘扬中华文化面向全球化翻译的工作颇感兴趣,其实这个事情是我 一直以来感兴趣的,这就是我以前宣传气功的:





要把中国的文化翻译成西方人能看得明白,能感兴趣的文字,不是容易的事情,这不是纯粹的文字上翻译,需要对两边的文化都了解,能老外看 了以后对自己的文化上有个映射,这样他们才能够真的看明白,我闲暇时候,中文的,英文的书都爱看,我觉得对双方文化都 了解是翻译得好的重要因素。

自我觉得英语水平也不算低,国内时候考过GRE ( 2240 分 ),托福 (615 分),为了移民 在7年前也考了雅思(均分7),现在居住在澳洲的墨尔本,过朝九晚五的生活。我正常情况,平时晚上10点后和周末一般能有空,所以我觉得凭借自己的英语水平和时间,应该可以为弘扬中华文化做些事情的。

[English Version]

Hi there,

My Wechat ID is chenlocus, and my name in Wechat is "随缘" which means leave it to destiny. In this steemit community, my ID is chenlocus as well.

I was attracted by thread @rivalhw posted:

It is an appealing job to me to do translation for the spread of Chinese culture, actually I have been interested in this for a long time. This is one of my posts in steemit to promote Chinese Meditation ( Qi Gong ):

This is a post on Chinese style lamb kebab BBQ:

In addition, I once translated some parts of SMTs whitepaper into Chinese:

I am holding a blog in google blogger:

It is not an easy job to translate something in Chinese culture into English for western people to appreciate and understand since it not a pure language change from Chinese to English. It is important to know western culture as well so that the western people can map the concept in Chinese culture into their own. I like to read books on both Chinese and English in my spare time, plus my living for more than seven years in Australia, there are so many common elements to share on both sides.

I once passed GRE test with score 2240, Tofel 615, then more than seven years ago, I passed IELTS test for migration purpose. I am now living in Melbourne, Australia, taking a regular office job. In normal conditions, I am available after 10pm at night or weekends, I think I can try my effort to contribute to the spread of Chinese culture to the western world.

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