Make things happen since no one else will do that for you! 要靠自己讓想做的事情成真,因為沒有人會為你做!

Hello friends,

The success just does not come and find you, you have to go and get it. Being proactive is what will make a huge difference in the direction of your life whether personal or professional. Unfortunately, too many people do exactly opposite and I am sure you have plenty of those around you, just like I do. What makes me really mad is that it is those people that complain the most how life is not fair and what not. I just have to smile to myself and absorb their negativity by turning it into positivity that will drive me to go further in life. Stay proactive my fellow steemians!


成功不會自己找上門,你需要自己去爭取。做一個積極的人,無論在你個人還是專業方面都會有極大的幫助。太多人正在做相反的事情,我相信大家身邊也有不少這樣的人,我身邊也是。讓我最討厭的是,這些人是最常抱怨生活不公的人。這時候我只會微笑,把他們的負能量轉化爲正能量,繼續向前走。親愛的Steemians, 讓我們做積極的人吧!


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CEO & Founder of CGH


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