Hello friends,
Welcome to Pilsen which is not only the fourth largest city in the Czech Republic but most importantly the home of Pilsner Urquell brewery which gave birth to a pale lager known as a pilsner in 1842. Today pilsner style beers account for two-thirds of all beer consumed in the world. This, essentially, makes Pilsen the world capital of beer! If you like to visit the city of Pilsen than visiting the brewery would be the main attraction. It is fairly easy 90-minute train ride out of Prague. Brewery aside, there are many other things that make this city magnificent. It is dominated by the St. Bartholomew Cathedral which has the highest church tower in the Czech Republic. A strong Jewish community formed in Plzeň in 1893 around the Great Synagogue, which is the third largest in the world. Proof of Plzeň’s importance is its victory in the competition for the title of European Capital of Culture for 2015. What better to do than to drink original pilsen in the European Cultural Capital😊. I will see you there since their beer is damn good😊…
歡迎大家來到比爾森!它不止是捷克共和國第四大的城市,而且是在1842年出現的比爾森啤酒的發源地。時至今日,比爾森啤酒的銷量已經佔了世界的三分之二。這讓比爾森成為了世界啤酒的首都!如果你想拜訪比爾森,那麼酒廠將會是主要的景點。你只要從布拉格坐90分鐘的火車就可以到達那裡了。除了酒廠,這裡還有很多引人注目的事物。在這裡,你可以見到捷克最高的 St. Bartholomew教堂。你還可以見到始於1893年、位於the Great Synagogue的世界上第三大的比爾森猶太社區。在2015年,比爾森獲得了「歐洲文化首都」的美名,再一次證明了它的重要性。有什麼比在歐洲文化首都享受比爾森酒更美好的事情?😊我們在那裡見哦,因為他們的酒實在是太好喝了😊......
Image source: Shutterstock
Author: Andreas Juergensmeier
Historical Brewery Gate, Pilsen, Czech
Image source: Shutterstock
Author: Fotokon
Old wooden barrels in cellars of Pilsner Urquell Brewery
Image source: Shutterstock
Author: kirill_makarov
St. Bartholomew Cathedral in Pilsen
Image source: Shutterstock
Author: Henryk Sadura
St. Bartholomew Cathedral in Pilsen
Image source: Shutterstock
Author: Anilah
Pilsen, Czech Republic
Image source: Shutterstock
Author: kaprik
The Great synagogue, built in 1893 in Moorish-Romanesque style
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