The best Christmas market in Europe are voted to be in Prague! 全歐洲最佳聖誕市集就在布拉格!

Hello fellow steemians,

Are you planning your vacation around Christmas time? Today I am very happy to let you know why Prague around Christmas might be just the best time to visit if you don’t mind the cold weather. Below is the list of countries with the best Christmas markets in Europe with Prague landing on the top spot. Or why not plan your trip so you can see more than one? Due to Prague’s central location, it is very easy to get to some other capitals such as Berlin or Vienna by train or any other by a short plane flight around 1 to 2 hours. Plan fast since the Christmas is just around the corner😊….

  1. Prague
  2. Budapest
  3. Lisbon
  4. Dresden
  5. Frankfurt
  6. Venice
  7. Lille
  8. Paris
  9. Glasgow
  10. Vienna
  11. Seville
  12. Guernsey
  13. Copenhagen
  14. Tallinn
  15. Berlin

If you like to see the full article by The Telegraph go here: 15 of the best Christmas markets in Europe


  1. 布拉格
  2. 布達佩斯
  3. 里斯本
  4. 德累斯頓
  5. 法蘭克福
  6. 威尼斯
  7. 里爾
  8. 巴黎
  9. 格拉斯哥
  10. 維也納
  11. 塞維利亞
  12. 根西島
  13. 哥本哈根
  14. 塔林
  15. 柏林

如果你想看看在The Telegraph的全文,請按此:15 of the best Christmas markets in Europe


Image source: Shutterstock
Author: Jiri Foltyn
Chrismas in Prague, Old Town Square


Image source: Shutterstock
Author: Balate Dorin
Chrismas in Prague, Old Town Square


Image source: Shutterstock
Author: cge2010
Chrismas in Prague, Old Town Square

Please feel free to check out some of my other recent posts.

Traveling to Prague/Czech Republic? Let me assist you.
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Magnificent St. Vitus Cathedral, Prague/Czech Republic.

CEO & Founder of CGH


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