Steemit promotions to attract talented individuals! 推廣Steemit來推廣人才

Hello Steemians,

My question to you is what do you personally do to promote Steemit to the masses? I see many amazing Steemians out there organizing private meet-ups, handing out the flyers or even going a step further and doing paid advertising campaigns which is all great and will definitely support the growth of the platform. I personally promote some of my posts mainly on my Facebook page and on Twitter account from time to time. However, today I thought of a new way to target specific talents to join our ever increasing community. Checking the originality of some images submitted to my 7 World’s Continents Photo Challenge today lead me to an Instagram page of one young guy passionate about travel and photography. I spent little time looking over his Instagram pictures as well as his profile that included his e-mail address. Then I thought why not to shoot him an e-mail to invite him to check out Steemit and my account where he can actually thanks to my decent upvotes monetize what he does on Instagram completely for free. That’s when it struck me why not to directly contact few talented individuals to join our ever-growing community. What do you think? Could that work? Let’s see, I am willing to give it a try and sent few e-mails each and every day.


Please feel free to check out some of my other recent posts.

Please stay vigilant and help to fight plagiarists on Steemit! 請保持警惕,並幫助打擊Steemit上的抄襲者!
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CEO & Founder of CGH


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