Please stay vigilant and help to fight plagiarists on Steemit! 請保持警惕,並幫助打擊Steemit上的抄襲者!

Hello friends,

The continued growth of Steemit is bringing a ton of talented people to the platform which is great as those will be the ones driving the success further. On the other hand, it does obviously bring the ones that are not sincere and their behavior will only harm the reputation of our ecosystem. I had a few cases over the past few days that I had to deal with when people are submitting images stolen off the internet and just gladly claiming them as their own. It is fairly simple to check if those are genuine by simply using google images which I do from time to time when in doubt. However, I am very busy not only running my challenges but my other various activities so I am not able to see everything. I had one of the users contacting me directly via my e-mail pointing at such behavior which is fantastic. Guys, I urge you to be vigilant for this people and not be afraid to point them out. There is no space for them here and we do have to get them out as those will only hurt the reputation of the platform. Do you want that? I hope not, let’s get together and fight them!



Please feel free to check out some of my other recent posts.

FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM GIVES YOU ZERO USD for your images - 7 World’s Continents Photo Challenge – winning pics worth 120 to 240 USD at the moment!
Czech Republic and Prague by your fellow Steemians! 在其他Steemians眼中的捷克共和國和布拉格
Prague, one of the most beautiful cities in the world!
7 World's Continents Photo Challenge - week #11 - vote for your favorite picture of the week!

CEO & Founder of CGH


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