There are two rules in life! #1 NEVER QUIT, #2 ALWAYS REMEMBER RULE #1/人生中有兩條規則! #1永遠不要放棄,#2永遠記住第一條規則

Hello guys,

No matter what your goals and dreams in life are, always remember to never ever give up! There are and there always will be a day or days in life when you feel like sticking your head in the ground or never ever leaving your room again. And to be honest, it is ok, no one is perfect and no one can always be performing 100% at all times. It is ok to have a down day as long as you remember the two rules of life. Have a great weekend steemians!


不管你的目標和生活中的夢想是什麼,千萬要記得永遠不要放棄! 在人生中總會有一天或幾天,你會沮喪得想要把頭埋在地上或以後不再離開你的房間。 說實話,沒關係,沒有人是完美的,任何人都無法一直擁有100%的完美表現。沮喪一兩日也沒什麽, 只要你還記得上述的兩條規則。 Steemians, 祝你們有一個愉快的一天!


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