车厢桑拿K歌 Beyond 《活得精彩》cover




MV 在此,歌词是粤语的,不过我照唱普通话吧反正没几个字



#cn-malaysia is a tag meant for Chinese blog post with more than 40% of its content are in Chinese language. We have been using this tag since 2018 January 25 to keep track of all Chinese content authored by Malaysian, and also overseas Chinese that has a Chinese content that is related to Malaysia. Please help us to keep this tag very clean so we can continue to grow, monitor our progress, and continue to improve in order to provide us a better accuracy. We will be using this tag to expand our quality Chinese content back to mainland China/Taiwan/Hong Kong and many other country that has a China town around the corner. We encourage local Chinese blogger to make use of our #cn-malaysia tag when you have Chinese content more than 40% in your blogpost. For further information, kindly refer to blueprint => @davidke20/cn-malaysia . We appreciate your time and effort in helping to grow our local Chinese blogger community. This project is proudly supported by #myach and #teammalaysia . Should you need further assistance, do not hesitate to contact me via commenting at my latest post. I will try to answer as much as possible. However, if you're from other country and you can't write in Chinese, my apologize I will not be able to assist you. Thank you.

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