(ENG/中文) Japan Osaka Gourmet Travel Guide #36 爆食日本美食大阪篇<坂町の天丼>:五十年代千日前天丼老店/1950's Tempura Restaurant/昭和27年創業天丼 (好孩子Goodboy Philip食レポグルメガイド)


🍤(ENG/中文) Japan Osaka Gourmet Travel Guide #36 🍤



1950's Tempura Restaurant

(好孩子 Philip Goodboy Philip食レポ グルメ ガイド)

上回 / Last Episode #035 Japan Gourmet Travel Guide :

After arrived Osaka from Nagoya, it was late afternoon and time to shop for a while. The fashion icon of AKB48, Kojima Haruna, established a limited time shop in Hankyu Department Store. I just shopped for a while and went to Namba to have dinner.



The target restaurant of that day is located in Sennichimae of Namba. It is a very low profile store in the small street near shopping street. It was founded in year 1952 for operating over 65 years! It should be a good restaurant that it is still “alive”! ”Taste good or not? Let’s explode your stomach with Goodboy Philip!”

今晚的目標食店在千日前附近,是商店街旁的一間小店,從外面來看,實在想不到這間店已經開業超過65年!老店能夠長期屹立不倒,一定有他過人之處! 「好不好吃?跟好孩子PHILIP 爆食下去!」

今晚的目标食店在千日前附近,是商店街旁的一间小店,从外面来看,实在想不到这间店已经开业超过65年!老店能够长期屹立不倒,一定有他过人之处! 「好不好吃?跟好孩子PHILIP 爆食下去!」

The restaurant is extremely small that can serve only four to five guests. The area and size of kitchen already occupied for over half of the restaurant. The space and seats were pretty narrow. That’s why the shop used mirror to make the visal space wider and bigger.



The menu only has two choices: Ten-don (650Yen) and Mixed Tempura Don (600Yen), you can add 50Yen and 150Yen for miso soup and shrimp tempura respectively. Once you ordered, the chef prepared the egg and flour of tempura immediately. The mixed ingredients was fried in oil cooking vessel. Guests can smell the oil aroma and look at the cooking process closely. The restaurant was silent except the frying oil sound. I didn’t want to disturb the chef and others so I only take few photo.

菜式只做兩款:天丼 650Yen 和かき揚げ丼600Yen。加麵豉湯(赤だし) 50 Yen,加一隻蝦(えび天)150 Yen。料理人接單後,便開始料理,即時把蛋漿和麵粉混合食材,然後放進油鑊裏面煎炸,聲音支支作響,油香處處飄來。因為店舖細小,所以能夠看到料理人整個過程,客人和料理人很寧靜,避免騷擾大家,沒有拍攝太多照片呢。

菜式只做两款:天丼 650Yen 和かき扬げ丼600Yen。加面豉汤(赤だし) 50 Yen,加一只虾(えび天)150 Yen。料理人接单后,便开始料理,即时把蛋浆和面粉混合食材,然后放进油镬里面煎炸,声音支支作响,油香处处飘来。因为店铺细小,所以能够看到料理人整个过程,客人和料理人很宁静,避免骚扰大家,没有拍摄太多照片呢。

The orange and golden colored tempura was served! There were two pieces of shrimp and fried seaweed. The aroma of sesame oil was great. The increase of appetite made me want to eat it as soon as possible! I ate the shrimp first that the meat was solid and fresh. The sauce mixed with rice tasted not bad. Although the quantity of rice and tempura were small, the price 650 Yen was just fine with taste. I would recommend you to treat it as tea time meal. So you can gain an experience of eating a 1950’s old restaurant in Osaka.



Since I was not full after eating small Ten-don, time to go to gourmet market of Namba Takashimaya to compete for 50% off discounted food! The target this time was “Sushi”!



I liked O-Toro and Chu-Toro very much. Also there were mayonnaise shrimps that were damn damn delicious!! 350Yen for four pieces! Strongly recommended!

有喜歡吃的大拖羅和中拖羅,另有マヨエビ沙津大蝦,這個超好吃,原隻大蝦蝦肉結實,減價時段三百多 Yen 一盒四隻,強力推薦!!!

有喜欢吃的大拖罗和中拖罗,另有マヨエビ沙津大虾,这个超好吃,原只大虾虾肉结实,减价时段三百多 Yen 一盒四只,强力推荐! ! !

  • Recommended Dish/推介/おすすめ
    天丼 650Yen

  • Overall Rating/綜合評分:
    GREAT DEAL 性價比度 🌟🌟🌟
    POPULARITY 人氣指數 🌟🌟🌟
    DECORATION 店內裝潢 🌟🌟🌟
    SERVICES 服務質素 🌟🌟🌟

  • Name/店名:

  • Category/類型/ジャンル:
    Ten-don/Tempura Bowl/天丼/天重

  • Address/地址/住所:
    1-8-16 Sennichimae Chuo-ku Osaka
    大阪府 大阪市中央区 千日前 1-8-16

  • Traffic/交通/斴近車站:
    Nippombashi Station/Namba Station/日本橋駅/なんば駅

  • Working Hours/營業時間:

  • Day Off/休息日:
    Wednesday, Thursday on he third week
    星期三, 每月第三個星期四

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