俗话说得好,泰国“三不叫”,一是车不叫,司机开车不按喇叭的;狗不叫,泰国的狗特别多,但是出奇的安静,要么慢悠悠的晃悠,要么淡定的趴着睡觉; 床不叫, 大概是因为没有女人吧。人妖从8,9岁开始打激素,看看这些人妖体态婀娜,凹凸有致,魔鬼般的身材,感觉跟她们比一比,她们才是真的女人,我才是真汉子啊。
After returning back from Thailand for two months, I can only remember a few things about this place now. The first thing is that I had never sound your horn from the drivers. They act like living in the last century, when life was quite slow. The second thing is the dogs never bark. The dogs just lie around all day and don't even bark when I walk near them. The third thing is the most famous Lady Boy. They looked really pretty and had longer hair, better figure than real women. This country seems full of curvaceous lady boys with celebrity-alike faces.
These lady boys allow the tourists to touch anywhere of their bodies after payment.
I have visited many religious scenic sights, but I forgot most names of these places. Many foreigners went to this country to pursue their pleasure to the fullest.
I love the seductive and fascinated ladyboy in the see-through dress. She looks like a celebrity named “Cai Shaofen” in China.
She looks pure and youthful.
天气阴沉有雨,其实还是蛮金碧辉煌的,我拍得不给力。大家可以看 @travelgirl 这篇 向世界出發 #63 (亞洲系列) - 曼谷大皇宮 & 玉佛寺@ 曼谷,泰國🇹🇭,大体上差不多,我就不重复介绍了哈。
The weather is a dull, dark. I am not able to take good quality photos with my phone. I suggest you guys to read this post for a better view: Traveling the World #63 (Asia Series) Grand Palace & Wat Phra Kaew - Bangkok @ Thailand 🇹🇭.
Welcome to join to first meetup in Suzhou at October 15. We have 13 steemit members planned to meet here already: @jubi @timknip @herlife @sunnyjolly @veronicazhu @candiceji @luneknight @icedream @lucyshow @ceciliali @karasui . And we will have a remote video call with @victorier .
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