心中若有爱 四季亦多情


This fall, the weather is getting colder and colder in my hometown. The top 3 things I love to do this fall is to smell the sweet scent of osmanthus flowers in full bloom, eat the sweet roast chestnuts and the fresh water crabs.


My mother takes good care of me since I returned home for the 8-day national holiday. Two friends of my mother invited our family to have all-beef dinner for lunch and all-mutton supper-time dinner. I don't want to go there as too many meat always disagrees with me.

最近雾霾特别严重,小娃儿有点咳嗽,直接导航去了东山莫厘大酒店,店面外表看挺普通的,走进去,这家酒店居然满满的苏州园林风,有山有水有人家。 @jubi @timknip @victorier 你们觉得这地方定苏州Steemit聚会如何?

The air conditioning here is quite bad, and my son got a bad cough. We went to the restaurant directly. The hotel looks quite common at the first sight. But when I enter into the restaurant, it is decorated in traditional Suzhou gardens styles with hills and waters. @jubi @timknip @victorier Do you guys think it would be a good place for our Official Steemit Meetup in Suzhou?



We arrived earlier before the appointment. There are some separate rooms hidden after the hill for the guests to play cards, drink tea or read books.



Ethan and Ivan take a short rest at the stone bench. And my son likes to imitate his father like how he sits and acts, even how to smoke. It seems that father takes a great role in education the kid. At least, my son seldom learn from me. I could remember when I was a fresh student, one of my classmate asked me what kind of boy did I like. I replied that I like the boys who are the same as my farther. He laughed at me and said I was lack of love from my father. But I think he misunderstands my meaning. After seeing the great happiness of my mother when being together with my father. I wish I could find a boyfriend or a husband who loves their wife and kid as my father. As a father, his great success is not in his career but in his daughter’s heart. When a little girl dreams to marry a man like her father, as least we could see she is born and raised in a happy family. In another word, will my son dream to be a real man like his father after he grows up.


sour fish soup



braised pork with bamboo



spicy bean curd


Welcome to join to first meetup in Suzhou at October 15. We have 13 steemit members planned to meet here already: @jubi @timknip @herlife @sunnyjolly @veronicazhu @candiceji @luneknight @icedream @lucyshow @ceciliali @karasui . And we will have a remote video call with @victorier .

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