浪漫七夕情人节,欢声笑语猜灯谜Lantern Riddles 【猜中有奖哦】



These romantic poets take over my mind, and the cowherd story in memory becomes clear.    


Qixi origins from Han dynasty, it is one of the important traditional festivals. And due to the romantic story, this traditional festival is treated as the “Chinese Valentine’s Day”. July.7th in Chinese calendar every year is the “Qixi”. There’s legend that, Zhi Nu and Niu Lang will meet in the love bridge in this night.  



Actually, the custom for Qixi in old times was pray. Young girls in that romantic night will pray to the sky and wish faries can give them bright heart and skillful hands, and also pray for wonderful marriage.


Nowadays, this festival filled with business purpose, they launched a series of marketing campaigns. People enjoy so much, and I like lantern riddles best. Today, let’s guess here:  

以下谜题任选其一,前三位猜出任一者,可获得1 SBD哦 

You can choose either of them to guess, the first three who get one right answer will get 1 SBD  

1. 个别提问                 (打一化学用语 )

2. 湖畔树间飞鸟鸣     (打一中国地名 ) 

  1. Ask a student questions alone     (Hint: chemical terminology) 
2. Birds singing beside the lake and in the middle of the tree    (Hint: A City in China)  


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