Hi steemit friends,
Today, I want to share you delicious grilled fish, which is well-known now.
This is for Daily Food Photography started by @howtostartablog
还记得在大学的时候,出去玩,吃的最多的就是烤肉和火锅,当时烤鱼和酸菜鱼还不是很出名。后来第一次吃烤鱼还是表哥邀请的,尝了一次之后,就不可自拔的爱上了烤鱼。有点辣, 有点麻,在额外点一份冰淇淋, 顿时觉得很满足。
I still remembered that when I was a student, when I went out to have dinner with my friends, we always chose barbecues and hotpot. Maybe in that time, the grilled fish was not popular. In my mind, I just know braised fish and fish soup. Later,it was my brother invited me to have a dinner, this is the first time for me to eat grilled fish. Then I fall in love grilled fish.
- Daily Food Photography #2- 串串香
- 常州嬉戏谷,我来了
- Daily Food Photography #1 本素酸菜鱼
- 暗黑者有感 - The Death Notice| 月旦评