Eat with Mellissa #2 ! Heavy taste Japanese "Tsukemen" in Hong Kong 跟我一起嚐嚐來自日本廣島正港沾麵店 <風雲丸>

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Hello everyone on Steemit ! Is me again~ Foodie Mellissa is here !
First question today ~ Who love to eat Japanese food ?
But we are not talking about sushi today~Today I gonna take you all to try out a real Japanese taste in Hong Kong ! A restaurant which call <FU-UNMARU> from Japan, Hiroshima. And we are going to eat some "Tsukemen" today !

想問問有誰喜歡吃日本料理? 但今天我們並不是吃壽司之類的~今天我想帶大家到一間可食到正港日本口味的沾麵店! 就是來自廣島的 <風雲丸>

"Tsukemen" is a Japanese noodel different from "Ramen" , there are separate the soup(sauces) and the noodle, only mix it together when you eat it , and usually the soup is more dense and the noodle is very thick.

其實沾麵在香港算挻普遍的有好幾間都是由日本開到香港, 而沾麵與拉麵不同的~其實就是麵和湯是分開的, 吃的時候才一口一口的沾著湯吃 ~所以他們的麵比較粗而湯亦較濃!

Restaurant is in the middle of Wan Chai. I almost feel like I'm in Japan when i arrived! Those decoration are so Japanese !
店家座落於灣仔中心地帶, 我一到步就覺得自己彷彿已到達日本了! 你們看看這個裝潢!!!

Address : Shop B, G/floor, W Square, no.314-324 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai
灣仔軒尼詩314-324號W Square地下B舖

Open: SUN~THU 11:00~23:00 , FRI, SAT, before public holiday 11:00~00:30


There have many kind of "Tsukemen" , signature style in here is mixed pork broth, they use pork bones and dry fish powder to made as the base of soup, with heavy taste in a hot stone bowl!
If you like hot stuff you really should try it !
Can you see the soup is still boiling when it comes up on the table ?! You can tell that's very hot !

店家主打以豬骨以及魚介熬成的湯底! 以石鍋盛著上枱所以每口食下時真的都是熱騰騰的! 如果喜歡吃超熱東西的~我想你一定會喜歡這家沾麵. 你們有看到相片中的湯在上枱時還是處於正在沸騰的狀態嗎?!!!真的有夠熱騰騰的!!!

Really need to be aware the heat of the stone bowl!!!

I was order their signature style with vegetables in.
我點的是<野菜豚骨魚介湯>裏面有大量的蔬菜, 芽菜和紅蘿蔔絲~連著面吃下去非常爽口, 我很喜歡.

They are using pork belly, not too fat and cook in Japanese style !
麵中的日式义燒選用了五花肉, 不會感油膩吃得出肉的甜味還算不錯!

And we also order the spicy one ! If anyone like spicy food must try this out! That soup smell full of chilli (in a good way )
But the only thing is I think the chilli is too strong and kind of cover the taste of the pork soup ~ But still is a good one.

我們還點了<辛辣豚骨魚介湯>喜歡辣的朋友一定要試一下! 辣味指數挻高的~~~而且濃湯裡散發着濃濃的辣椒香!雖然有一點點蓋過了豚肉的香氣...但我覺得吃下去的感覺蠻過癮的!

Fried chicken is quite good in a decent quality ~ nice ~

With all the heavy taste food~won't you think we should order a fresh draft beer ? cheers~
介紹了一堆重口味的東西, 是不是感覺欠缺了什麼? 當然是新鮮的啤酒!你們說對不對? 飲勝吧!!!! =)

Over all the is a good "Tsukemen" restaurant, just one ting little thing can be better~ For me i think the fish flavour is a bit too strong then cover the pork taste in the soup, but pork belly in the noodle is really yummy ! if eat both together can fix the problem ~
總括來說我覺得這家店日本味算十分正宗! 小小的缺點就是我覺得湯頭魚介的味道有一點點搶掉了豚骨湯的味道~幸好湯中的五花腩處理得很好, 邊吃麵邊吃肉的話還是會吃到兩者的香味, 所以還是值得嘗試的~

Hope you all like my sharing today !
I'll so happy if you u guys can upvote my post and follow me! @mellissaying Please feel free to comment and asking me any question !
see you all very soon ! XOXO

今天的分享就到這裏了! 喜歡的話請記得upvote我的文章~
如果喜歡我和你們分享我的生活與美食~請記得關注我 @mellissaying 喔! XOXO

Also if you haven't see any food blog from me you should check it out ! (specially if you are a foodie too =) )
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