There is always someone keeping working out (part 11)(Original) /总有一个比你忙,比你穷,比你老的人在健身(十一)

Yesterday,I introduced some exercise for biceps(please click Chapter 10). Now,I will continue to bring you other biceps training.
昨天给大家介绍了部分练肱二头肌的动作(请点击Chapter 10),今天将继续给大家带来余下的训练。

Standing centrifugal curl 站姿离心弯举

This action is to use use weight to stimulate muscles.
Action Tips: Use heavy dumbbells, stand upright and make your body lean slightly forward. Pull up the dumbbells with explosive power to the position of the chest and then put down slowly.
ATTENTION: This action can be leveraging, but still try to focus on the biceps. Never shake the body to leverage. Generally complete 3-5 groups and each group is for 6-8 times. The weight of dumbbells can be added in the last group . (provided that you can do it for up to six times or at least four times).

Standing barbell curl 站姿杠铃弯举

This action is equivalent to barbell bench press, which both belong to classic action. It is used to strengthen and increase muscles and can strengthen the core strength.
Action Tips: stand upright and make your palms inward. Clamp arms. When curling, don’t bend your wrists. Form 45-degree angles between the upper arm and forearm.
ATTENTION: When the weight of barbell is light, do not borrow power. Do it only when you complete the last two groups. Keep the weight from light to heavy. Complete 5 groups and each group is for 12 times. Keep increasing the weight of the dumbbells in the last two groups until you are worn out.

That’s all for biceps training. Now, I want to remind that never ignore the warm-up and stretching exercise, and replenish moisture. The first, second(referred in chapter 10) and fourth movement are mainly used to practice the biceps brachialis medial head. The third movement is to exercise the lateral head and the fourth action can also be applied to the outside of the head. It’s not quantity but quality that matters a lot. You need to start from the light weight. The amount of groups is only considered as a reference. Combine your own affordability and habits and then determine the amount of training. Each action must be standardized, or you will get injured easily. If you have any questions, please comment. I will reply as soon as possible.

This post just represents my personal opinion. Without permission, it is strictly prohibited reproduced.

本文章仅代表个人见解及认知,如有不同意见欢迎指导; 动作配图均为本人,未经同意,禁止转载。

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(to be continued 未完待续)

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