There is always someone keeping working out (part 9)(Original) /总有一个比你忙,比你穷,比你老的人在健身(九)

Today, I 'll give more details about training volume for abdominal muscles, attention and eating habits. To know specific ways, please check my posts (chapter 7 chapter 8).

Training volume for anaerobic exercise and attention 无氧训练量和注意事项

An anaerobic abdominal exercise takes about 20-30 mins. Chapter 7 and 8 can be used as a set of training content.
Each time you finish a group of practice, you need to rest for one to two minutes (You can adjust the number of specific actions per group and rest time according to your own arrangement).
Although this practice long with practicing the waist force can be finished at the same time, you need to avoid using the waist. Otherwise, abdominal muscles can not achieve the desired effect and will lead to you developing a habit of laziness, even hurt the waist. When doing exercise, don't hold your breath. Instead, you are expected to find your own methods. Remember it is quality that matters a lot. Slow down. Rising fast and falling slowly do good to improving abdominal endurance and explosive power.

Aerobic training 有氧训练

People will ask why we need to do aerobic training. That is because anaerobic exercise is mainly used to enhance the strength of the abdominal muscles and increase the circumference. But for some friends who want to lose weight, no matte how hard you practice, you hardly see the abdominal muscles. So it is necessary to do aerobic exercise to reduce fat. First,oxygen or anaerobic training.In fact, there is no absolute rule. But generally I do anaerobic and strength training before doing aerobic exercise.
The best aerobic exercise is jogging. You'd better jog for 20-30 minutes. If you have physical strength, you can jump rope.In addition, you can go to the gym to use treadmills, elliptical machines, dynamic cycling or something like calisthenics. In other words, do the training( referred to in chapter 7 and 8) for 20-30 mins, and then jog or do other aerobic exercise (20-30 mins). Initially, you don't have to do abdominal muscle training every day. Three times a week is enough.When you adapt to the exercise, you can increase the amount of training, but you can do aerobic exercise every day.

Eating habits 饮食习惯

The fat on abdomen is difficult to reduce, and it is easy to rebound. Do remember control your diet, or your hard work will be paid in vain. First of all, you do not need to diet deliberately, which is unhealthy. It is indispensable to eat three meals a day. Determined to lose weight, you have better keep away from high calorie food and control the intake of starch. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Early to bed is good for you. The more you eat, the more easily you will become fat. Keep it up!

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(to be continued 未完待续)

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