Today Dangerous hornet's nest / 今天捅了马蜂窝

Today, picking fruit,Narrowly missed being the Hornet Sting,It hides under the leaves, difficult to be found,Fortunately, I run away faster,Because in the past they have stung me,This variety of WaSP, unlike I've met,Previously seen larger, Their home in the mud,a few thousand Bumblebee,Today the members of less than 20, So I'm not afraid of them.

今天在采摘凉粉果时,差点被马蜂蛰伤,很意外发现这个马蜂窝,它隐藏在树叶底下,很难被发现,幸好我动作快,应该是逃跑得快,要不又要受伤了,因为以前被它们蛰伤过,吃完午饭想了想,还是把它摘了,因为他们长在家里的院墙上,很容易伤到人或者动物。 这种马蜂不像我以前遇见到的品种, 以前遇到的是在土里安家,那个品种的黑马蜂有几千只,挖很大一个洞在土里, 而今天的这个成员不到20只,所以我不怕它们,做了一回孩子王,教小孩如何摘马蜂窝

Before making, fruit jelly introduced it here,


The fruit is a healthy food, it's hard to find it, but I grow them

A pumpkin / 一个大南瓜

Take bumblebee out of here /赶走了大黄蜂

This is the biggest I've ever seen a hornet's nest

Following me at @MyFirst

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