Draw on Blockchain x Drawing Challenge #8 : Cloud Delivery 雲端速遞


Good Morning by an expired entry of Helene's Drawing Challenge #8, (^^;) And the topic is a cloud. Simple one, right? LOL It is because I tried to make it a comic this time. Anyway, a little comic story for a Thursday morning and hope you enjoy it :P

早安,竟然用一張過期的作品來說早安(汗)這是HELENE'S DRAWING CHALLENGE #8參賽作品,所以也不好意思TAG了@@ 這次挑戰小品四格漫畫,請當作星期四的早餐小點看下去吧。

比賽連結 Drawing Challenge Link Full of nice works! 大家的雲都好好看啊


A Day Of Cloud




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A brainstorm on notebook. 在記事本上的塗鴉

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Ink and dip pen. 墨水和沾水筆

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The original outline, shadow by digital. 原線稿,陰影部份在電腦完成

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This is an ink drawing by SAILOR's KIWAKURO. A very nice ink with solid black and does not bleed. Dip pen with saji nip by TACHIKAWA (a set of ink pen beginner) and CANSON BRISTOL with very fine and smooth. In fact, it can all be done by digital. But I don't want to waste those nice tools which were bought for a quite long time and only used for several times.

(I don't deny it was a impulsive purchases...)

Ink drawing is interesting too, just feel the pen movement and the flow of pigment (blink).

As a frequent user of cloud storage, I imagine that if there is a delivery service by cloud-man and a storehouse on a piece of cloud. Cloud storage is too convenient for me to do computer based production work. It does not require everyone show up (sometimes, even sitting together, everyone just facing the monitor for a whole day). Of course, it means the scarify of some personal communications with colleagues. Also, if there is problem of connecting the Internet, dooooom. lol

這次是用墨水筆畫的。SAILOR牌的極黑真的好的沒話說,既黑又順滑防水不化開。筆是立川沾水筆入門小套裝的匙形筆尖。紙是CANSON BRISTOL,光滑紙面,畫上去不太有紋理。雖然線稿可以用電腦代替,也能畫出相若效果。不過好東西買回來就要用了它啦~



經常把文件儲存在雲端的我,幻想了這位雲的速遞員和雲層倉庫。雲端存儲真的太方便,不用一團人坐在一起也能工作,因為很多時製作團隊一起坐也只是各自看著自己的屏幕一整天(當然也代表少了一些 廢話 聊天的機會)。不過要是哪天網絡出問題就頭大了,簡直是芥末日(笑)


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