[Travel Blog]Travelling with Ray to Bath, United Kingdom

Dear Steemians,
Today I want to bring you guys to Bath, UK. It is my second home because I am studying in Bath currently and has been living here for almost one year.

今天我會帶大家到我的第二個家 -- 英國巴斯。這是我的第二個家因為我現正在這裡讀書,並生活了差不多一年了。

Bath is located in the southwest of England. It is around 3 hours away from London if you are traveling by bus or 1.5 hours for trains. Bath is one of the most popular sightseeing city in UK while tourists always travel to Bath together with Stonehenge. But to be honest, I did not heard of Bath when I was in Hong Kong. Maybe it is because there is no football team here participating in the premier league. And people always make fun of the name when I told them I was going to "Bath". Bath is very different from London, it is quiet, relaxing and uncrowded. If you are used to London living style, it may be boring for you.

巴斯位於英國的西南面。如果你由倫敦乘搭巴士來的話需要3小時,搭火車的話需要2小時。她是英國其中一個最有名氣的旅遊城市,遊客常常與巨石陣一同遊覽。但其實,在我來之前,我並沒有聽說過巴斯這個地方,可能是因為這裡沒有英超足球隊吧。而且,當我跟朋友說我要到巴斯的時候,他們都會問這是那裡,是不是洗澡那個bath. 巴斯與倫敦十分不同,這裡沒有倫敦的嘈吵,壓迫及擁擠。相反,這裡十分安靜,舒服,清幽。如果你習慣生活在倫敦的話,可能你會覺得這裡十分沈悶。

Roman Baths


The most well-known attraction must be Roman Baths. It is a historical site of Roman public bathing. In the Roman baths museum, it shows its history, different kind of baths, how did ancient roman take bath etc. You can even taste the hot spring water which has a very strange taste.


Bath Abbey


It is an Anglican parish church for Christian, but it is opened to everyone. It is free of charge to get inside but recommends a donation. You can also pay 8 pounds for going up to the tower and enjoy the stunning view of Bath.


Royal Crescent

It is an unique architecture having 30 terrace houses to form a sweeping crescent. It is an example of Georgian architecture and you can notice that Bath is full of this kind of houses.


Solsbury Hill



Apart from the city center, you can also go for a hike to the Solsbury Hill. Walking from city center to the top of the hill, it took me around 1 hour and the distance is around 5km. It is 170m tall which is not very high but it is enough to enjoy the city view.

除了市中心外,你也可以到Solsbury Hill行山。由市中心出發步行至山頂,只需1小時,距離為5公里。儘管這座山只有170米高,但已經足夠飽?整個巴斯的景色。

My previous travel post

Les Arcs Whole Ski Trip Series
United Kingdom Series:
[Snowdonia Series] [Snow Storm in Bath] [Sailing in Bristol]

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