Moth classification archives // 蛾子分类档案之枯叶蛾、虎蛾科

Hello, everyone on the Steemit . It's time for us to recognize the moths. In the preceding two periods, we introduced some moths of the Notodontidae moths. This time we'll introduce some moths of the Lasiocampidae and Agaristidae. I hope you can enjoy it.

Steemit 上的朋友们大家好,又到了我们一块来认识蛾子的时候了。前面两期我们介绍了舟蛾科的蛾子,这一次我们会介绍枯叶蛾和虎蛾科的几种蛾子,希望大家能够喜欢哦!


This time we share two families of moths which are entirely different. Lasiocampidae is famous, many of my friends know them because of their ability of disguise. Their weapon of disguise is their single color, generally yellowish-brown. It is because of this body color that they can camouflage well. Among the moths of the Agaristidae , Seudyra flavida has the brightest color. The hind wings are yellow, while forewings are grey. The most obvious feature of the Scrobigera amatrixis is that there is a large orange yellow spot in the hindwings.



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Moth classification archives // 蛾子分类档案之舟蛾科(2)

Moth classification archives // 蛾子分类档案之舟蛾科(1)

Lavender Manor——a romantic flower sea // 薰衣草庄园——一个浪漫的花海

蛾子分类档案之天蛾科(3)一(Moth classification archives)

蛾子分类档案之天蛾科(2)一(Moth classification archives)

蛾子分类档案之天蛾科(1)一(Moth classification archives)

蛾子分类档案之尺蛾科(Moth classification archives)

蛾子分类档案之大蚕蛾科(Moth classification archives)

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