十月十五 不见不散 谷歌点名#10 认真 See you soon guys

永远毫无理由地积极参加 @jubi“谷歌点名”活动—第10期@jubi是我们一帮人的“地气男神”,也是我们心中完美男人的代表,会做饭会宠妻会赚钱。超级期待10月苏州steemit聚会那天呢,终于可以见到本尊了!


If you have followed me you may find that each post i will add an ad about steemit meeting up in Suzhou at the end of the blog. I have much nice imagination about the soon coming party. I am seriously preparing for it.



此趟行程人员不算众多但也可以说不少,有早就相识但未聚好久的老友 @veronicazhu ;有一直保持联络但我从见过真人的男神 @jubi;有未见且未怎么畅聊的 @timknip @luneknight;还有会远程和我们视讯的 @victorier

This first meetup in Suzhou at October 15, We have 13 steemit members planned to meet here already. Some of them i know very well, but some others i even don't know how he looks, for example @@@jubi @timknip @luneknight. More excited we will have a remote video call with @victorier.

所以我很认真地再看这些熟悉的陌生人的自我介绍和相关blog,希望到时候一见面能够很好的切入话题,而不是干坐着彼此尬聊然后就是一阵uncomfortable silence。也很认真的做了一些笔记,比如 @jubi爱玩游戏,较为博学,已婚,梦想买别墅 @timknip从帮我们兑换切入话题并且学习咨询一些这方面的知识; @luneknight@hannahwu昔日博友受 @tumutanzi影响去年就注册了 steemit但活跃程度为2个月(感觉很多人都是坛主拉进来的啊)。 @victorier发文更多是中国语文,到时候时间要是允许的话可以聊聊有深度和有涵养的有学识的话题。

I have researched each person and read their many blog post and make certain notes. I know @jubi is from Yancheng and married, his wife is from Xuzhou, his dream is buying villa. @timknip has helped us to change dollars into Chinese Yuan so i can talk with him about this topic as well as learn some information from him. @luneknight signed in steemit because of @tumutanzi at last year however active for about two months here. @victorier posted many article about chinese Words knowledge i think i may talk with him about idioms and ancient poems if we have enough time when we having the remote video.



起初大家商量的是统一服装外加小短裙,那是一个多么亮丽的风景线啊,最后因为活动资金有限,咱们化繁为简,做了带有自己ID logo的手拉旗外加一个长长的横幅,上面写有关于对 steemit的祝福和憧憬以及愿望。 这里就暂时不展示咱们的精心小设计了,到时候会给大家统一发布一饱眼福。

We have prepared little flag which printed every ID Logo on it. At firstly we think we can wear the same coat with Mini-dress. How charming it is. Due to limited budget we changed to make banner which written many greeting sentences. Now i will not show you these well-designed gifts, later we will show you details.


关于 @sunnyjolly

正如开头所说我真的期待此次聚会很久了,而且也认真的在做一些基础的准备。之前看过We enjoyed the happy first ever UK Sheffield Steemit meetup last night // 我们昨晚愉快地举行了首届英国Sheffield Steemit好友线下聚会以及The first major Taipei Steemit Meetup 第一次Steemit台北大型聚會都感触良多。天涯海角本是形同陌路因为同一个爱好和同一片网络天空,约定时间和地点,安排妥当一切后来见这一帮可爱的高素质网友。这里的网友见面没有所谓的见光死,这里的网友见面安全可靠,这里的网友见面不存在见完无疾而终。这只是一个开始,是彼此加深了解和接触的开始,以后的路还要彼此相濡以沫,携手前进。

During the past days i have saw UK Sheffield Steemit meetup & The first major Taipei Steemit Meetup. I am moved by these warm meetup and look forward to our next coming meetup. The steemit meetup is different from other Internet friends to meet. This meetup is safety and we may keep a long time connection later.



I have though what should i wear for a long time. Check my wardrobe, no clothes suit me i decide to buy new ones. Even though i have married, even though i have be other's wife. i hope give nice impression for others. I am always thinking what will i prepare for this meetup and reserve manicure, even bought lipstick from Paris under friend's help. But i grudge to use it. I must open it until the day of October 15. Now you may know i am so serious about this meetup.




Thank goodness the spring is coming, October 15 is coming soon. I have booked ticket early. Now i am just waiting for the dreaming day.

苏州首次steemit 线下聚会我是认真的,没有当做一场随意的聚会,我憧憬的是智慧和思想的交流,我向往的是祥和和温馨的场景,我希望的是长久共存的友谊。

After reading my this content can you feel my serious attitude towards to this steemit meetup? I hope this is brain and ideas exchanges, this will be in joyful atmosphere. One more important is our friend relationship forever.

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